Creating Visual Novels

I’ve just gotten back from Kawa Kon where I did my first panel on how to create visual novels. It was a very fun experience and I met a lot of nice people, so I’m looking forward to doing more panels in the future! Next up is Anime St. Louis (April 17th-19th) so be sure to attend! (I’ll be giving away FREE Goldbar Games magnets! And Detective Butler CDs too!)

For anyone who would like to see the PowerPoint, click here. As always, I might update it later on.

Also, speaking of creating VNs, that’s what I and a few others will be doing this month during NaNoReNo! Our goal is to get this VN finished before March ends, so wish us luck! You can check out the work in progress thread for more information!

In the meantime, I think I’ll finally be getting around to some much-needed Kaneko updates! Stay tuned!